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Nicolas Nicolaou

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon / Knee

Nick is a Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

He trained on the South-East Thames Orthopaedic Circuit and completed Fellowship training at Sheffield Children’s, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital as well as completing a travelling fellowship at Inselspital, Berne prior to becoming a Consultant in2011.

His clinical interest is the Paediatric Knee and he treats the whole spectrum of pathology from cruciate, chondral and meniscal injuries to congenital ligament deficiency and complex patellofemoral problems.

He is the chair of the recent BASK/BSCOS steering committeeon soft tissue knee pathology in children which aims to improve nationalstandards of care and co-convener of the International Kid’s Knee Conference

Qualifications & Fellowships


NHS Base

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