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Apurv Sinha

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon / Hand & Wrist / Shoulder & Elbow

Mr Sinha has been fellowship trained in upper limb surgery at the Wrightington Hospital, a centre of excellence for surgery of the upper limb and at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

His special interest lies in arthroscopic and joint replacement surgery of shoulder, elbow and hand/wrist.

He is a member of the BOA (British Orthopaedic Association), BESS (British Elbow and Shoulder Society) and is on the Organising  Committee for the National FRCS course in Chesterfield/Sheffield and teaches regularly on various FRCS orthopaedic courses.

Mr Sinha is a member of the editorial board for 'World Journal of Orthopaedics' and reviewer for the 'International Journal of Shoulder surgery'

Mr Sinha has been involved in several academic projects and has published and presented his papers in numerous international meeting and in widely acclaimed journals including the Bone and Joint journal, Should and Elbow, Arthroscopy techniques and Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics.

Qualifications & Fellowships



British Elbow & Shoulder Society, British Orthopaedic Association, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

NHS Base

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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