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UpgradeOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease which causes the cartilage surrounding your bones to wear away. Cartilage is tough but flexible and surrounds the ends of your bones allowing them to move over one another forming a joint. When the cartilage wears away bone rubs on bone which gives rise to a painful inflamed joint.
The thumb is a very complicated joint and moves in several directions.
The base of the thumb is where the thumb bone (Metacarpal bone) attaches to one of the small bones (Trapezium) in the wrist to allow some of this complex movement. Sometimes, due to wear and tear/ injury the cartilage around the bottom of the thumb wears away and the bone begins to rub on the little wrist bone causing pain, discomfort and reduced function.
Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative disease affecting joints. Anyone can get it but there are a number of factors that may increase the risk of osteoarthritis:
The main symptom of OA at the base of the thumb is pain in the area on movement (e.g turning a key, opening jars).
People may also experience:
Your surgeon can often tell you have arthritis by performing simple tests, by looking at your thumb or by asking you about your symptoms.
You may be sent for an X-Ray to confirm the diagnosis or to check that the problem isn’t coming from elsewhere.
Non-Operative Treatments:
-Trapeziectomy: The surgeon will make a small incision at the bottom of your thumb and remove the ‘trapezium’ bone in the hand. This means that the bottom of the thumb bone can no longer ‘rub’ on the trapezium bone and cause pain.
Sometimes the surgeon will also ‘borrow’ part of a tendon from your arm to loop into the gap where the trapezium has been removed to help stabilise the thumb bone.
-Fusion: In some cases joints can be ‘fused’ / held together with pins and plates. Pain in OA is caused by bones rubbing onto other bones due to the wearing of the cartilage. By fusing bones together you stop them from being able to move thus stopping the pain.
One Health Group utilises specialist consultants and healthcare managers working together to provide the best possible diagnosis and treatment for our patients.