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How to prepare for Claw Toe Correction

The surgeon will discuss the type of surgery needed and will inform you of the results and complications that can happen. Once this is done, the surgeon will do an informed consent and book you for surgery. Physiotherapy will be arranged only when there are multiple toes being operated.

All these type of operations are done as day cases either by general, spinal or local anaesthesia .The patient will be mobilised with a flat accomodative shoe with a bulky dressing and generally do not need crutches. Some blood staining of the dressings is usually noted. The dressings are usually removed at 3-4 weeks for soft tissue procedures and for bony procedures at 4 weeks and then at 8 weeks when an xray will be done and the wires removed. Patient is advised to exercise the ankle and knees to reduce any chances of clots in the calf(DVT)and also to elevate the leg at night times.

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