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Common questions relating to Knee Surgery

How long will I be in the hospital?

You can expect to be in hospital for five to seven days.

What should I take with me? 

Remember to bring the following items with you into the hospital:

  • A toiletry bag containing soap, a face cloth/sponge, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, shaving kit etc
  • Dressing gown
  • Slippers that are easy to put on, preferably non-slip.
  • Spare clothes for ‘dressing practise’ and a set of clothes in which to go home.
  • Books or magazines
  • Reading glasses
  • Relevant telephone contact numbers.


  • Two or three front-fastening, knee length nightgowns. Long ones restrict movement.
  • A few changes of comfortable underwear, but not panty-girdles.


  • Two or three pairs of pyjamas
  • A few pairs of boxer shorts or underpants

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