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UpgradeOsteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease which causes the cartilage surrounding your bones to wear away. Cartilage is tough but flexible and surrounds the ends of your bones allowing them to move over one another forming a joint. When the cartilage wears away bone rubs on bone which gives rise to a painful inflamed joint.
The main symptoms of OA in the MCP joint are pain in the area on movement and swelling around the joint.
People may also experience:
You may need to have X-Rays of your finger to allow the doctor to see which areas are affected by arthritis.
Sometimes CT scans (also known as CAT scans) may be undertaken to give the doctor a more in-depth view of the finger to diagnose the problem.
Blood tests may be required to rule out any other cause for finger pain such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Non-Operative Treatments:
Operative Treatments: